S3E34: Dr. Pat Boulonge Wants You to Understand the Why and How Behind Your Wellness

'In today’s episode, Dr. Pat shares with us how she approaches wellness care, getting down to the root causes of issues rather than just treating symptoms.'
S3 Ep 34 Dr. Pat Boulogne


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In today’s episode, Dr. Pat shares with us how she approaches wellness care, getting down to the root causes of issues rather than just treating symptoms. We talk about her book, Why Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired? Find Out Now, her observations on the health of the average American, and the quality of most food in America. We explore the interconnectivity of all of our bodily functions, how the things we put in, on, and around our bodies have an effect on our health, and how gut health can impact brain function. We also get Dr. Pat’s advice on how you can be more mindful of these effects, such as checking the ingredients of the products you buy, trying meals that only have a few basic components in order to isolate potential variables, and understanding the importance of investing in your health. 

S3 Ep 34 Dr. Pat Boulogne

In this episode you will hear: 

  • Learning to ask the right questions will help you get the right answers, both from the patient/client side and the professional side
  • Being mindful of potential toxins in your life, from food, cleaners, water, and other environmental factors is important for your overall wellness
  • How can you start building your awareness as to what exactly is affecting you?
  • Dr. Pat’s history with, and journey through, health, science, medicine, and wellness

Dr. Patricia Boulogne, DC, CCSP, AP, CFMP is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Coach, Chiropractor, Speaker, and Author. She has helped thousands over the last 35+ years stop adapting their lifestyle to pain, and chronic problems by focusing on the whole person. The result is that her clients and patients, find out the WHY and the CAUSE of the problem, and identify the starting point: what, why, where and how to begin their health journey to live longer, better and healthier. Dr.Boulogne is the founder and principal of AskDrPat ~ HealthTeamNetwork, a company dedicated to skyrocketing your health, lifestyle, and mindset with strategies and programs that make sense, and help you age gracefully, think, move and feel better, and live longer and happier!

Dr. Pat’s book:

Why… Are You Sick, Fat, and Tired?: Find Out Now

Connect with Dr. Pat:

Website: www.Healthteamnetwork.com

Email: drpatb@gmail.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/drpatboulogne

Instagram: instagram.com/drpatboulogneFacebook: www.facebook.com/AskDrPat

Connect with R Blank and Stephanie Warner: 

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Dr. Pat Boulonge 0:00
So making a decision to go completely organic as much as possible, because there’s so some things I can’t get, you know, I do that I spent the extra money to do that because my investment and your best investment we all know, it’s ourselves. But a lot of people they’re willing to say I want health, but they’re not willing to invest in their health. And, you know, that’s where a book like that comes in, because it shows you where to spend your time, your energy, and your money, and where to really, really hunker down and focus in on what’s going on.

Announcer 0:31
Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, the show about building a healthier relationship with modern technology. Now, here are your hosts, R blank and Stephanie Warner.

R Blank 0:43
So today on the healthier tech podcast, I will be flying solo as Stephanie was not able to make this recording session we’re well we I am interviewing Dr. Pat and talking about her best selling book. Why are you sick, fat and tired? And since that title really speaks for itself, I think we should just get right into the interview.

Dr. Pat Boulogne is a certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, coach, chiropractor, speaker and author of The Best Seller. Why are you sick, fat and tired. Her career spans over 35 years assisting 1000s of clients and overcoming complex chronic problems by addressing them as a whole person instead of just treating symptoms. Dr. Pat is the founder and principal of Ask Dr. Pat, health team network, a company dedicated to skyrocketing your health, lifestyle and mindset with strategies and programmes that make sense and help you age gracefully, think, move and feel better and live longer and happier. Welcome Dr. Pat to the healthier tech podcast.

Dr. Pat Boulonge 1:51
Thank you so much. I’m so happy to be here today and share time with you guys.

R Blank 1:55
Yeah, it’s great. I’m really glad you could make the time. So just to kick us off. You have a really diverse career background. A lot of titles in the bio I just read. Can you share some of your journey and how you became so passionate about health?

Dr. Pat Boulonge 2:11
Well, you know, one of the things is my father always in you’re gonna say why is my father involved in this, but my father is turning over in his grave right now. He was so concerned that I was going to be a perpetual student. And then I was never going to graduate and I was going to keep on going on and on. And every time I got a another degree and all the ones that are Didcot are not on there. You know, it just added to that. So what drove me in my passion about that is I found that when I worked in University of Michigan Hospital, not a paid position, by the way, it was a independent study. And I never saw anybody get well, I you know, in that time, you know, it was before, you know, a lot of hospitals turned into being trying to be spas, you know, or having that kind of feeling. So, and the only place in the hospital that people actually were happy, whereas in the maternity ward the day after. So they it really spurred me on and I was working a little bit on like an NBA. You know, I was toying with that and taking a couple classes, because I already graduated with my pre med. And I also was working as a waitress and I started my shoulder started to kill me and I woke up one morning where I couldn’t even move it. And a friend of mine, you know, I called them up who went to chiropractic school and I said, What do you think I should do? He goes, go to a chiropractor. And then I can hear my father in my head saying chiropractors aren’t quacks. So, but I went anyway, just because of that. And so when I went into this, this guy’s office, I realised that I could do what he does with people and I could do a better is like the whole light in the universe turned on. And so I when I got out of that appointment, I went home, applied for school chiropractic school with the MBA programme. And I signed up to go to chiropractic school, and I never looked back, it’s been life changing for myself, in a lot of ways for you know, things that I was already experiencing that people think it’s normal, it’s like, it’s normal to have a sinus headache, or it’s normal to have a headache. It’s normal to, you know, throw up, you know, after you eat something that you don’t like, but it’s not, I mean, it’s just like, you shouldn’t have to throw up food that, you know, it’s, like nutritious for you. And so there’s I was looking for the rhyme and the reason and I was very fortunate in chiropractic school to actually latch on to some really great mentors in that industry, like the old guys that everyone wants to be around. They walked into the room and you had everyone come, tell me tell me how do you do this? And they were still alive then there’s only one person out of that whole group that’s still alive and Have you ever comes anywhere near me, I would get on a plane train or an auto vehicle to go see him just to sit there and listen to his wisdom. But those got me they it was such a fantastic, you know, time. And so taking that information from that. And then going into business where I had the opportunity to help sick people get well more people to maintain their wellness, and some people walking in, like crawling in and walking out no pain, I went like, wow, how could that be? How could How could the rest of the world miss that. And so it was just it was it really, really drove me to go out and talk to women, like you should go be a chiropractor and stop people in the middle of airports when I was travelling, like, Why do you have a shoulder problem? What happened? And they’re looking at me like, I’m not because you’re lying? How do you know that? Who are you anyway? You know, and I said, Listen, I am a chiropractor, blah, blah, blah, here’s my card, if you can’t find somebody, you’re in your neighbourhood, I will find somebody for you. And so that’s just how I, you know, did all my MO for that to help people get well and maintain that wellness. And it’s so it’s such a happy moment when that light goes on. And someone says like, I just realised something, you know, and they get it. It’s beautiful,

R Blank 6:14
ya know, I can I can hear the joy in your voice and see it in your face. Did you by any chance ever? Since you’re in business? Do you ever go back and finish your MBA?

Dr. Pat Boulonge 6:24
No. You know, I think life gave me the MBA, the bathroom. And my practice, I bought a practice that was underserved. And when I got divorced, I bought my husband out of his portion of the practice. And then I kept it for another three more years. And then I sold that part of the business. And then I moved up to Boston and I had private coaching. And in working with people one on one when I live downtown Boston.

R Blank 6:51
And so it’s in through that coaching business that you you were motivated to write, why are you and I just love this title, I think I think you came up with a great title, particularly for an American audience. But why are you sick, fat and tired is that so is that through the work that you were doing in the coaching business and the motivation to write this book?

Dr. Pat Boulonge 7:14
Well, kinda, you know, I had somebody who told me that I wasn’t living up to my full human potential. And I took it personally. And so he said to me, he goes, you’re gonna write a book, you know, he goes, you have the ability to heal masses of people. And and he said, and when you come to the second stage of your life, you have the opportunity to be on stage. And I said, I’m not sure my second half of my life starts. But so what happened was, is I had all these, you know, when he said that it planted the seed. And then, you know, I kept on having, you know, people who I was working with, when I was working with the nutritional even when I had my practice that would say to me, Dr. Pat this question or that you want me to fill out? I don’t know what the heck, it’s asking me. I said, What did you get? Because to me, it was English. And for them, it was like, you know, speaking, you know, Dutch or German? Yeah. I will say like, no, no, that means this. Oh, okay. And then, you know, and I did that naturally, all the time, when I was I was from, like, especially 1992, to 96 When I left the cake, and that’s where my office was that. But what I realised is that people need this to be spoke to and language they can understand. So they can answer your questions. So they can learn how to ask the right questions. So they get the right answers, because so many times people go into doctors offices, and they are relying on the doctor that actually have communication skills, when 90% of them don’t, you know, and have any communication skills to be able to correlate what you’re telling them and going from right side, the left side, and then making somewhere in the middle, you’re able to cross your fingers in me and mash. And a lot. It’s I mean, even I have that experience in western medicine, doctor’s office. And I have a lot of stories, but not for right now about those experiences. So I always try to help my patients advocate for themselves and ask the right questions. So in looking to write that book, I use those questions. And I just made them into street language.

R Blank 9:15
And that’s that’s interesting context for me, because I was I was going through the book. And it’s, it’s so much of it as questionnaire based.

Dr. Pat Boulonge 9:25
It is, yeah, someone even gave me a review on Amazon. So that was one big question. Oh over 300 questions, they just didn’t want to answer questions about themselves and actually get past the barriers that are stopping them from having the most incredible life they possibly could have. And you in order to do that you got to have your health and you have to have your mind and you have to know where the pieces of the puzzle in your system survey, you know, relate to so it is questions at some of the biggest two of my friends who and colleagues who you know, I say can you give me an endorsement, pat, pat, I I’m only going to write a true one I go great. That’s the one expects you to do, I don’t want. And if you don’t want to do it, it’s okay to. But this guy said to me, now, I have to tell you, before I had cancer, I didn’t have any of those symptoms. But you did not miss the mark on any of them. Every one of them are there. And he said, and he goes, it’s like you, he goes, You did a stellar job. And you know, this is some guy who was like, never says anything. Like he always was looking for, like you could do a better, you know, even if you did like four stars five star, you could you could have made it six stars, you know, but he was like, he was such a great, you know, great feedback from me. And then I asked the publisher, you know, so don’t you think some of these like endorsements are a little bit long, you know, and he she said, You never shorten a good endorsement. So let’s move on. What’s your next question?

R Blank 10:53
Well, so I guess, one, I have another question. But before we get there, I’m going to assume that you are seeing a lot of sick, fat and tired people, right? Because that’s why else would you?

Dr. Pat Boulonge 11:07
Well, you know, I just thought Americans were pretty fat I when I went to sorry, anybody and I hope that didn’t offend you. I can remember walking with my husband, we were in Gatlinburg, Tennessee one time, and we actually had to walk off the sidewalk to walk around these two people that occupied the whole space. I said, Why are these people so big, and when we went to he was French. And when we went to France, I could easily at the end of the month of being in France, come back and I’d be 10 pounds lighter without doing anything. It isn’t like I walked around more, I did the same things that I did here that I did there. And it’s just the quality of the food, there’s something wrong with the food in America, because it is so processed, you take a bottle of Heinz ketchup here and you go into England is not the same ketchup, it says the same company, but it’s not the same ketchup. So making a decision to go completely organic, as much as possible. Because there’s still some things I can’t get, you know, I do that I spent the extra money to do that. Because my investment, and your best investment, we all know, it’s ourselves. But a lot of people they’re willing, say I want help, but they’re not willing to invest in their health. And, you know, that’s where a book like that comes in, because it shows you where to spend your time, your energy, and your money, and where to really, really hunker down and focus in on what’s going on. And it also shows you in that deep system survey, how all the organ systems work together, it’s like a Swiss watch. I had a person who kept on calling me up and saying, what can you do for and some of her lists was like chronic fatigue, or what could you do for you know, IBS, which is a gut problem. And I kept on saying to her, you didn’t read the book? Or answer the questions. Because if you did, you wouldn’t be calling me up the answer that she gave me this review that said, it’s like, you’re in western medicine, they don’t know what to do with you until you have the flat tire, I’m trying to prevent you from having that flat tire, you know, and raising your awareness. So you have much more consciousness. And from being able to do that, you have the ability to make educated decisions about what you should do, and not what someone’s trying to push down your throat as to like, you know, you should do this, or, you know, because there’s times that I’ve had patients come back to me when I was seeing patients, where they would say, the doctor told me if I do, you know, if I continue with chiropractic, or if I do this, you know, like cut out, you know, and add more vegetables in my diet. I remember someone telling me that one day, so he’s actually said that you should get it in writing, you might be able to use it at some point in time. But it’s just like taking those things and knowing what to do with it. And a lot of people don’t know what to do with it, they get overwhelmed, very easy, and they get overwhelmed because they don’t eat well. They you know, their thought processes. So it’s,

R Blank 13:50
it’s a cycle, right? You’re starting with bad food, the bad food is reducing your health quality, it’s making you fatter, which is further reducing your energy. All of this is making it harder for you to think and make decisions and it becomes this vicious cycle. Is that Is that what you’re outlining there?

Dr. Pat Boulonge 14:07
Basically, but the thing is, is that when you’re eating bad foods, a lot of bad foods have chemicals in them. And those chemicals, when they pass the blood, the gut barrier, and the liver can’t handle them anymore. They get very really deep in your body and blood, brain bone and fat. So if you think about Alzheimer’s, like where does it come from? We didn’t have all these diseases, you know, 3040 years ago. And so you have to go like, Well, where did it come from? You know, and Big Pharma. You know, and, you know, like, on Independence where the Capitol Hill said, they would like you to think that you know, it came from, you know, it just came because you have bad genetics. While you’re not your DNA, you’re only how your DNA responds to your environment. So when you look at where toxicity comes from in our environments now, it comes from the air that you breathe, the water you drink, the food that you eat, the cleaning fluids that you use in your house, you’ve got to read labels if you can’t pronounce them and you don’t know the side effects. Other than don’t use them. There’s other things that you can use that are easy, like water and vinegar, for instance, you know, and also gardening. You know, a lot of people, I saw a guy spraying in St. Petersburg, about two years ago, the grass, and I said, What’s in there? He said, Roundup, really. And I said, it’s carcinogenic. And that’s when, like, you know, Monsanto was getting a lot of those lawsuits. And he said, Well, only if you don’t breathe it. And I said, you don’t have a mask on and the wind is blowing against you. And then two little girls ran out, I said, now your two little girls are running out 65% of what you get on your body gets absorbed into your body and has to be processed. I said, those are your two I call those yellow Girls Are those your grandchildren that are running through right where you sprayed the ground up, you know, and he just turned around, turned it off, he walked in the house and closed the door and I heard market. You know, and I just kept on walking. And when he was walking away, I said, and the dogs, what about the dogs in the neighbourhood, they come by here and they breathe it in to wonder dogs have got things problems with their liver, because the liver gets rid of all that those toxins and kidney failure, you know, in bladder cancer and all the other cancers that they have.

R Blank 16:13
So is this. So this is a just so the listeners know, and before they go and check it out that this is like a DIY do it yourself. Yeah, guide book to improving your entire overall health and outlook on life. Is that Is that a fair summary? Well,

Dr. Pat Boulonge 16:31
that that is a good summary. And the other thing is, with New Year’s coming up, everybody does not figure out how to do their health goals, you know, and how to posture them, like, where’s my most important place for me to focus, this book will do it for you, you know, and when you get into the book, the book will give you the opportunity to work with me or work with somebody else. If you don’t work with me, that’s fine. If you need somebody in your neighbourhood, you can still reach out to me, I’ll help you find that person. You know, because you want someone who can look at that chart. And it’s just an it’s just an intensive question that doctors should be asking you, but they’re not. And so it’s an opportunity to like, you know, take a look at in a New Years and your health will improve drastically if you just know where to spend in use utilise that time. And you know, we’re where to buy foods or like maybe perhaps we’re not to buy foods, so that you’re because people can have reactions to foods, five days after they eat them, and they don’t relate it to a particular item. Right. And that happens very frequently.

R Blank 17:31
So I’m wondering how you see all of what we’ve been talking about so far, relating into mental health issues that that we see today is, are those kinds of cars? Are they causing the issues that you’re trying to address? Are they are they an effect of the of the the lifestyles that you’re describing and the choices that surround us?

Dr. Pat Boulonge 17:59
Well, what I know, and what the research says is that the gut and brain are connected. And so when you eat foods that have toxic chemicals in them, the toxicity especially lead and some of the big heavy metals get pulled through a one layer, it’s only one layer, the lining, it gets pulled through, and it has to go to the liver to be process. And then it sends it back out with the idea of getting it in the toilet either by you know urine or by your you know, by your poops. And so if it can’t do that, and it keeps on recycling, because there’s an problem with the intestinal tract and its ability to absorb and get rid of things, then it’s going to get stored in blood, brain bone fat. So a lot of you know, they know that anxiety and depression and other wellness, like, you know, well being issues are directly related to food, there’s foods that can set you off, like foods that you should never put in your mouth like sugar. And, you know, and it’s just like, can I ever eat sugar? Well, I would tell you, you know, it’s just like you should avoid it at all costs. Because what happens is it’s already in a lot of other foods. A carbohydrate is a carbohydrate is a carbohydrate and sugar is a carbohydrate, sugar gets absorbed in the stomach, fruit gets absorbed by the liver, it has to be in the stomach, then go to the liver in order for it to be processed. So it’s a lot harder on the liver to be able to help get rid of those toxins. So the connection, you know, the you know, the gut, the brain, you know, and it’s very very it’s intertwined, it’s interwoven, there is more, you know, it’s just like serotonin in your gut. That’s where majority of it’s made that in your head. And you know, after Thanksgiving since it’s just before Thanksgiving when we’re recording this. You know, people eat and they wonder why they go to sleep. And it’s because the tryptophan levels and the serotonin levels are in that are not balanced any longer. And so it makes you really, really tired and sleepy. That’s why you eat supper when you go to sleep. But I say that you should be able to take a look at anytime that you You eat, and you get sleepy or you don’t feel good, or you feel bloated. You know, you got to ask what is it that was in my last meal that caused this problem?

R Blank 20:08
Yeah. So how do you trigger that? That, that that self aware, right, because there’s people who have problems, I mean, the ones that you’re talking about, and then all sorts of other problems. And so there’s all these problems and people who suffer from them, but it takes them before they can even do anything about it, they have to realise that that is a problem in their lives. So how, how do you help people? Or how do you advise or advocate that people start building that level of awareness so that they know what they have to start addressing?

Dr. Pat Boulonge 20:39
Well, the first thing I have them do is try to do diets that are like a meal, that’s only five ingredients. that minimises one of the problems, you know, because you’re probably eating more fresher food, you know, the other thing is, is that you need to know what the ingredients are in the label, they go from highest concentration to lowest concentration. And so if you go through there, and you’re finding if sugar, or any word that ends in O L, at the end of a word are in the first like maybe 1/3 of the list, you know, you don’t buy it, you just put it back on the shelf shop from the outside walls of the grocery store, we’ve all heard that it’s a lot easier in in doing that, than it is trying to treat it I might, you know, I once one time my sister was with me when I was shopping, and she left me there. Because I was reading labels. Let me call me. Call me up, call me up when you’re done.

R Blank 21:36
cocktail parties, and

Dr. Pat Boulonge 21:40
I’ll come back and pick you up, you know, but you have to know what your ingredients are in your in your supplements, especially in the supplements, you know, like, like steroid, what the steroid do, I might be able to pronounce it, but what does it do? And then start creating Excel sheets, where, you know, this is what Google says is one of the good things about Google, you can look that up. So and you want to know, what is it maybe, you know, it’s good to know what’s used for because like, why did they put sawdust in Parmesan cheese? Cellulose. This suggests, it’s like, why do they put it in Parmesan cheese because they want to fill the container up a little bit more. And it’s a little stickier. You know, it’s like I’m thinking, I buy you know, I spend the extra money, and I just, I just buy the cheese and I grate it myself. But you know, at least I know what I know, what I’m eating is being aware of you know, what you’re eating. And you have to say, you know, if you’re ever confused, you know, sometimes I look at when I go travelling in a car, and I go into a gas station, you know, like, there’s coffee and stuff like this, and there’s a subway there. You know, I’m always thinking, you know how like, other than that there’s a lot of, you know, heavy metals and tuna, you know, but out of all the things that are on their list I’m going to is my least suspect thing that I can eat. And so I put you know, it’s just like when I go in, I usually never buy, I usually go out I get a bottle of water, you know, and the one time I even stopped that was so lucky because there was a Hardee’s there was, you know, McDonald’s, there was a Burger King. There’s every one of those kinds of stores in front of me and I got gasoline, I went so hungry. And I happened to just like something told me to look over my shoulder. And I saw the end of the sign for Trader Joe’s. You know, then that was in Tallahassee this last year, and I was in there and I had a great, you know, I had something that didn’t make me tired after I ate it. You know, and which a lot of times those types of foods that are at those places, because there’s so much sugar and salt, you know, and you’re using white flour, and a lot of people have got sensitivities, they don’t know what there’s, there’s a whole list, but I would tell people to, you know, take a look at five ingredients, take a look at the ingredients and look up what those ingredients do, what is the side effect of those and then start making Excel sheet. So the next time you see it, you know it, you know, just keep it on your computer.

R Blank 24:03
So one thing that’s coming across pretty clearly to me in this interview is you have a tremendous amount of energy and a tremendous drive. Is that was that always true? Or was that something? I mean, it sounds like your father thought maybe it was? Is that something that was always part of you? Or? Or is that something that’s you’ve evolved and developed over time? I have

Dr. Pat Boulonge 24:29
always been an out of the box thinker. And to like my mother’s dismay, but but the you know, as far as like drive goes, when I wanted to live I finished high school, my father, I went to my father’s house, my parents were divorced. I was my father’s house eagles were gonna go to college. And I said, Oh my god, I’m not gonna go and he said, What do you mean you’re not gonna go I saved up all this money for you to go to college. What do you mean you’re not gonna go? And I just said how I don’t want to go. And I just kept my answer short, he was great. Let’s go down to downtown Detroit, and we’re gonna go have lunch. And, and I said, as I asked him if his wife was coming, because no, it’s just you and me, you know, and I thought, This is not a good thing. But I got in the car and we went down there. And he got off at old Tiger Stadium where the riots started in 6768. I can’t remember what year it is now. And, and he stopped the car in some street, and he goes, get out. Just get out, you know? And I said, Why would I want to get out here? He said, Because he said, if you’re not going to go to college, this is where you’re going to live. And cook for him college with everything. And he said, and so I thought, if you find a nice house on the street that you consider nice, and he goes, I will offer the money for cash. And he goes, and you can live here. And I’ll go to the college of your choice didn’t take me any more than the answer that one, you know, and so you know, and I went to college, and then you know, I just had, you know, really, you know, I’ve always, you know, tried to I always gravitated towards eating well, and I was always interested in science. You know, I did acid base, you know, indicators, I talk to people about acid base water all the time. And, you know, I can go back to my study I did when I was nine years old, and came in second in the state, just by accident using the last pickle jars, and that my father, luckily, was working for Li chemicals at the time, and he could bring me a bottle of Pinot saline home. So, which I don’t, he said that that’s a big word for someone who’s nine years old. But at any rate, you know, he helped me put it together, you know, and he made me explain to him how acid base work and why it’s so important for you like to know what the the acid base is in the body, you know, said I wrote up this little story, you know, and I submitted it, and my teacher loved it, and he submitted it to the state. And it was like, those kinds of things. But I’ve always been, you know, an athlete, I grew up with all boys, I guess I get the drive from that, because they, as part of it as a foundational thing, because I didn’t have anybody to play with. So if I wanted to play Barbies, that’d be great if I was the solo person, but I there’s nothing solo about me. And you know, so I played football, basketball, baseball, I could kick farther throw farther. I understand. I watched, you know, because I’m a sports physician. I watched sports because I want to watch the mechanism of injury, which makes everyone something like well, how did they do that? What do you think he hurt his shoulder? Did he hurt his knee? Those are things that you know, that intrigued me when I’m watching you know, structure, function and motion and it fits really well with chiropractic principles. And being unhealthy, you know, cuz you got to be able to move. You know, my, my second patient ever just said, If you don’t move, you’re gonna die. And her form of exercise was taking a Dixie cup and watering her 150 little plants in the backyard. At the age of 92.

R Blank 27:53
That sounds like one of those, those, those Buddhist Zen tasks.

Dr. Pat Boulonge 27:59
Well, she lives in Atlanta, Georgia, and where she was at Atlanta that time was churning a little bit iffy. And she was too scared to walk around the block by herself. So she that’s what she did. Yes, you know, went out there, but she was my second patient ever, but I use that line. And I’ve written about, you know, if you don’t move, you’re gonna die, dash, you know, quote, unquote, grandma. And it was very, you know, intriguing with, you know, her and you know, just just her her concepts. So some of those wisdom type things. I always say, Who, what’s your health hack? When I ask people, what’s your health hack? And people go, What do you mean, brushing your teeth is a health hack, you know it because it’s a ritual that you do, because it was a habit, that should become a ritual. And if you don’t do it, you should make it into a habit. And, but it’s like doing those things that you know, like somebody said, years ago, like my grandmother used to have a shot of cider vinegar. And in periodically, like, her throat was starting to get sore, she would just take it, throw it in the back of her throat, let it sit there, and then she would swallow it and then drink with water. The first time I ever did that, I thought I was gonna die. She goes, this is good for you. And you know, but she was that, you know that? Oh, like she was born 1895. So a lot of things. So they didn’t have a lot of things that were available. But there were things that did help people get better, faster and quicker. And so it was great in that and I also have my ancestry goes back to apothecaries back in the 1600s.

R Blank 29:24

Dr. Pat Boulonge 29:28
I just think that drives in kind of like, you know, is DNA.

R Blank 29:31
Yeah, no, I’m picking that up. You got your centuries of momentum built up here. Dr. Pat, this has been seriously engaging. Interview. Again, everyone the best seller is why are you sick, fat and tired. Dr. Pat, where can people buy that and where can they make contact with you?

Dr. Pat Boulonge 29:54
They can buy that on Amazon and is the book with the red letters on it because it’s a second edition. I published that this year. And that’s the one that you want to buy. Because it’s updated that whole spiel, you know, in the best place for people to get a hold of me. I have a beautiful new website coming up very shortly. And that’s Health Team network.com. And right now you would look at the the older version, LinkedIn is a great place to, you know, grab me and get a hold of me. So if you’re on LinkedIn, feel free to reach out Dr. Pat, Boulogne Instagrams, the same, you know, in purchase by Dr. papiloma, no punctuation, and I’m on Facebook, I have a Facebook page. And I also have a personal page that’s there that I post a lot about health, wellness and fun things doing just doing your life got excellent.

R Blank 30:45
Yeah, well, we’ll put links to all of that in the in the show notes. So, Dr. Pat, thank you so much for making the time this week. As you said, it’s, we’re recording this. It’s right before Thanksgiving. So I know it’s a really busy time. So I really appreciate you taking the time to come and chat with us here on the healthier tech podcast.

Dr. Pat Boulonge 31:05
Wonderful. I just totally enjoyed it. I’ll even let you invite me back. Thank you.

Announcer 31:16
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the healthier tech podcast. Remember to check the show notes for all the links and resources mentioned in the show. Please like and subscribe to the healthier tech podcast on Apple, Spotify or your podcast platform of choice. Get your free quickstart guide to building a healthy relationship with technology and our latest information at healthier tech.co

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R Blank

R Blank

R Blank is the founder of Healthier Tech and the host of “The Healthier Tech Podcast”, available iTunes, Spotify and all major podcasting platforms.

R has a long background in technology. Previously, R ran a software engineering firm in Los Angeles, producing enterprise-level solutions for blue chip clients including Medtronic, Apple, NBC, Toyota, Disney, Microsoft, the NFL, Ford, IKEA and Mattel.

In the past, he served on the faculty at the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering where he taught software engineering, as well as the University of California, Santa Cruz.

He has spoken at technology conferences around the world, including in the US, Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands, and he is the co-author of “AdvancED Flex Development” from Apress.

He has an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management and received his bachelor’s degree, with honors, from Columbia University. He has also studied at Cambridge University in the UK; the University of Salamanca in Spain; and the Institute of Foreign Languages in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Connect with R on LinkedIn.

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