Tag: Devices


S3 Ep 047 Recounting My Time on the Dr. Phil Show with R Blank

In this episode, Stephanie gets to interview our very own R Blank to discuss his experience being invited, interviewed, and, dare I say, groomed to be a non-expert expert guest on Dr. Phil, the popular nationwide talk show, for an episode with the topic of microchipping humans for various use cases.

reduce blue light effects

5 Ways to Reduce Blue Light’s Effects on Your Sleep

Although our fast-paced lifestyle is to blame for this massive rise in sleep deprivation among the general population, scientists think that our modern electronic gadgets also have something to do with it.

phone computer productivity

5 Ways to Configure Your Phone & Computer for More Productivity

The root problem is that modern gadgets like cell phones and tablets are designed as if multitasking is a virtue.

There are badges, notifications, banners, and ads, all designed to create an environment of constant interruption and task-switching.

But what science says is that we’re much more (or even only) productive when we’re single-tasking.