For today’s episode, we welcome Dr. Cory Frogley. Dr. Frogley grew one of the largest multidisciplinary practices in the State of Utah. The challenges physicians face with building and managing a team, running operations, and focusing on patient care is a lot to handle. Dr. Frogley knew how important knowing your numbers are to scaling a profitable practice. So he built BlueIQ which brings best-in-class data analytics and a beautiful, simple interface. Even if you’re not a numbers person, you will still master knowing your numbers and empowering your team to become a data-driven practice!
With Dr. Frogley’s chiropractic experience, we discuss the interplay between technology and wellness. As technology continues to become more ubiquitous in our day-to-day lives, the impacts it can have begin to show up more and more. We will talk about some such impacts, from early childhood into adulthood, and ways we can identify and avoid these.

In this episode, you will hear:
- Actionable tips for improving how you hold yourself when interacting with your tech
- What led Dr. Frogley to create BlueIQ
- The importance of slowing down and giving yourself space
- Learning to trust yourself and your inner voice
- What has crept into your life to distract you?
- Major ways in which technology can impact nervous system development
Connect with Dr. Corey Frogley:
Dr. Cory Frogley 0:00
So what I want everybody to do listening to this right now, and if you guys will go along with me on this, go ahead and sit up nice and tall. And wherever you are, if you’re listening to this laying down, I want you to sit up, I want you to get in a seated position right. Now what I want you to do is go ahead and move your head forward. So you’re pushing your nose straight out. Almost like a woodpecker your head is now sitting out in front your body, that’s perfect. Now round your shoulders so that they’re now slouching forward. This is the typical posture that I’m seeing in kids and people who are sitting at a workstation. What I want you to do now is take a deep breath in through your nose. And just out through your mouth. When I just take, I want you to do it again, but do it as deep as you can. Okay, I want you just to pay attention one more time, do it again to the amount of air that you’re getting into your body without changing posture, your head is still forward, your shoulders are still rounded. Go ahead and do it again.
Unknown Speaker 1:05
Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, the show about building a healthier relationship with modern technology. Now here are your hosts R blank and Stephanie Warner.
R Blank 1:18
Well, data bits bytes and big data are on his daily agenda. Dr. Cory frog Lee is a dedicated Pro to the chiropractic profession. Even more important, if you were to ask Cory, he would tell you he is 100% of people, persons. Building relationships is all about making a connection. Building a successful business is about connecting the data to the people it’s most relevant for as it relates to our podcast his family has used as their North Star healthier bodies to help you succeed better, faster and longer. We’re looking forward to chatting with blue IQ founder. Welcome Corey to the healthier tech podcast.
Dr. Cory Frogley 1:57
So good to be here. Thank you for having me on your show.
R Blank 2:00
Oh, no, thank you so much for making the time. So just as a starting point, I understand. I know it’s not exactly on point with what I just said we were going to talk about it. I understand you’re you’re the 10th of 10. Children.
Dr. Cory Frogley 2:13
Yeah, wild, right. Yeah, there’s a can of worms. Yeah. Actually, that ties right into kind of my identity. Crazy enough. My My dad was a medic on World War Two. So you can imagine how old my dad was when he had me. And he was on a path to become a medical doctor. But because my mom’s dream like her passion was kids, she wanted 13. Again, I have no idea where she got that number I have for so when I think at 13, like, my knees go weak. But after two really, really difficult Labor’s with her first two children, they almost lost my mom and childbirth. And her OB turned to her and said, hey, no more kids, like you’re going to be crippled by the time you’re in your mid to late 20s. You want to be able to take care of the two that you have. Like there’s no chance you’re having 13. So with that devastating crushing news, you know, isn’t that interesting that in life when people tell you you can’t get to your moonshot like your dream, like that changes trajectory, right? You all sudden start looking at resources like what’s available to me. And she did. She pivoted from traditional medicine and she looked into alternative health care that led her to everything from homeopathy to acupuncture to just anything she could find in chiropractic wasn’t like it’s booming. You know what it is today it is back in the 50s. So long story short, she got treated, they diagnosed her properly because she had scoliosis. And after treating her she felt so much better. They went for baby number three, this time, no complications and labor that just a healthy, perfect normal labor. And that’s what pivoted my dad from the medical profession to chiropractic. He graduated as a chiropractor. By the time he graduated, he had five kids, and they made it to 10. So I’m grateful right under the wire
R Blank 4:09
right here that I slid right in. So your dad becoming a chiropractor, I gather influenced you greatly because that’s who you’ve become right. So can you speak a little bit about the ways in which you know, that influence kind of played out?
Dr. Cory Frogley 4:25
Yeah, I mean, 10 kids, seven boys, six of us became chiropractors, right.
Stephanie Warner 4:29
Wow. Wow, that’s amazing.
Dr. Cory Frogley 4:32
Just a little bit of influence. He was such a big pioneer the profession. He actually developed the third largest technique used in chiropractic. And he ran the college. He was actually the grandson of the founder of chiropractic. So beach, or DD Palmer founded Chiropractic in 1885. His grandson, David Palmer, was the President when my dad graduated, and my dad became his executive vice president. So when I decided I wanted to become a chiropractor, I actually entered the profession, knowing I wanted to do more than build a healthcare practice, which I did, I built the largest holistic healthcare practice in the state of Utah. But it was technology, I knew there was something that we needed to bring to the profession to help scale and grow and elevate the entire profession. I didn’t know what the medium was gonna be when I came into the profession in 2000. But here we are, 23 years later, and I now have an edtech company. It’s kind of crazy.
R Blank 5:32
Yeah, so I definitely want to talk about that. But it’s something you just said, before we get to Blue IQ, something you just said reminded me of something else I heard you say in a different interview, which is, and I think it connects to what you were just saying, you have to slow down to speed up. And you were when you were starting, you knew you had to do something different. But you didn’t know what that was. And then obviously, you figured that out. So can you speak just a little bit to that the transformation that you went through and how we’re related slowing down, and speeding up?
Dr. Cory Frogley 6:03
Yeah, I really appreciate that question. And for your audience, I want you to think for a second, if you’ll just kind of clear your mind and think for a second. If you listen to that inner voice that’s in you, you’ve heard it, calling at you. You’ve heard it saying you are born for greatness, I really do believe that all of us have greatness in us. And a very specific God given gift that when nurtured and developed in we, we kind of weed the garden, you know, growing up with a big family, we had an acre and half of that was a garden. So I was constantly in the summers weeding that garden and my mom just instilled that in me and like your character, you’re who you’re becoming, is going to be more about what you’re removing, so that those innate gifts, have space and time to grow. So here I was, as this chiropractor growing, you know, a successful practice, and it became very, very busy. But in the busyness of that and getting married and having kids and I just realized very early that if I allowed the whirlwind life to just take over the busyness, that little voice in my head, I couldn’t hear it. It’s almost like there was so much vibration, so much noise of business that I kind of lost that for a little while. And I felt disconnected i Why was I financially successful, but internally unhappy. I felt kind of guilty, like, here I am as a husband and a father. But why do I feel like a piece of me is missing. And it wasn’t until I slowed down I really had to. And I credit my wife tremendously for this because she kept saying to me, You’re doing too much, instead of being good at a lot of things. Like what is that one thing that you want to become great at. And it was it was retreating from the daily noise, it was finding a consistent cadence to connect with that inner voice. And when I finally did, and I finally connected that to innate and allow with the calling to come to the surface, man, it just became clear of why I felt that the way that I did and it didn’t immediately become easy. But I’ll tell you here we are many years later. And it’s that was like one of the most important things that I put into my daily habits was that that slowing down every day, connecting to that inner voice, weeding the garden, allowing ourselves to become who God created us to be.
R Blank 8:50
That was beautiful. And but it’s so that realization led you to create or lead you to a point in life where you realize you wanted to create the IQ, right?
Dr. Cory Frogley 9:02
Yeah, because I kept interacting with other Doc’s. I mean, I’m in that we’re in the dental space and in the car space and any provider, right? Anybody with a doctorate in, specifically patients, right? What happens is you go through professional school, but you don’t get business training. Like not one business class. Maybe it was a business class, but it was to learn how to bill insurance. It wasn’t learning how to hire somebody or interview somebody or build a team or run financials or read a p&l or note a balance sheet. But yet, so many physicians become business owners, and I was sitting in a in a conference of one of my mentors and and he said something that just stopped me in my tracks. And it was Do you guys know the difference between a job and a business? And I thought I did. But as we dove into that concept, I realized that in my own practice, I had built myself for a job, meaning, if I stepped away from it, it stopped producing. And that connected to me so deeply, because even with my dad doing so many things, running the college having a private practice the entire time, having a huge family having this massive garden and property that we were taking care of. He was scared to death to go on vacation, because cash flow stopped. And I remember that stress that he had and feeling that stress and being, you know, kind of intuitive and feeling that from him, I, I didn’t enjoy vacation because dad wasn’t enjoying vacation. And so I just knew I wanted something different. I knew I wanted to build a business that was delivering incredible health care, learning business systems. And as I started creating those systems with some incredible business partners, we realized one day that oh my gosh, like, this needs to be in a software. And that was kind of the leap. Like let’s, let’s build this into a software that would automate the process and, and save the time of gathering all this data and make data driven decisions. And if you could connect that to a team member with a team member becomes the steward of the data, the product of the system that they’re in charge of. It was just this game changer. Like all sudden team members were showing up happier, they were more engaged, they were more fulfilled, because they could see the contribution we could tie incentives to add is pretty cool. And so when did you actually start? What is now blue IQ? Yeah. So in 2013, I filed the actual company, I didn’t, you know, you hear this voice calling you to build something and I had a feeling of what it was supposed to be. But then you involved developers and designers and they started putting in their opinions. And we gave birth to a software. It just wasn’t really what I wanted to build. And so for two and a half years, we ended up with customers, and we had cashflow and we were growing it it just was limited. And I when the hardest things I did. And I credited back to my wife and I credited it back to this internal voice of getting clear, I had to slow down again. And I still remember the hotel room we were at, we were with my family, I couldn’t sleep, it’s 2am. I pulled up my laptop, and I wrote a declaration. And it was a declaration to my partners to say, hey, what we built is cool. It’s just not what I’m supposed to build. There’s essence of it. It’s just not the full thing. And I am just letting you know that I cannot continue to put my heart and soul into this. I’m recommending we pivot, we built this over here I diagrammed that out. And that was in 2015. It took from 2015 to 2018. To still just learn, like I’m a chiropractor, right? I wasn’t a tech guy, I had to learn the industry. I had a mate, I found some really amazing people that were in the profession that were willing to mentor me, helped me through the path. We launched beta in 2018. We fully launched it in 2018. And oh my gosh, it’s it’s been a grind, but it’s been incredible.
R Blank 13:20
It sounds like a little bit off topic. But what reminded what you were saying reminded me of a lot of things, but one of them. Is that seen a Jerry Maguire? Do you ever
Dr. Cory Frogley 13:32
show me the money? Or is it?
R Blank 13:36
No, he wakes up in the middle of the night? Oh, yeah.
Dr. Cory Frogley 13:38
Yeah, that’s the manifesto going in the wrong direction. There you go. That was my Jerry Maguire moment.
R Blank 13:45
And now you’re at the Show Me the Money Moment.
Stephanie Warner 13:48
I love that. It’s like, you know, the v1 was your introduction into that tech space, but you still had the, you know, ingrained grounded knowledge that you needed to that you would need to you needed to stop and slow down again, and recognize that this wasn’t what was good for you. And it wasn’t what you were trying to build and the strength to pivot. That’s huge. Because a lot of entrepreneurs don’t allow themselves that space to listen to themselves to slow down. It’s always your it’s the next goal posts the next milestone, and I love that you knew to weed the garden and to allow the space. I love that analogy and I’m gonna borrow it is a wonderful, it’s wonderful to be able to slow down and recognize that you need to and then trust that whatever is next is going to come you’re going to give yourself space to have that epiphany and that realization and to hear your voice and to hear what’s where your body’s actually guiding you.
Dr. Cory Frogley 14:52
Yeah, I mean, if your listeners can connect to me on any level, it’s that that you are enough you’re more than you realize you are Oh, no. No, I’m getting a little emotional here just thinking about it because of my own journey. Yeah. But it’s often times what you’ve allowed to creep into your life. Not that it’s bad. It’s just distracting. Yes. It’s like, as a chiropractor, if I had to feel somebody’s spine if I had to palpate somebody, but yet I had to do it through mittens, it’d be really hard to be a great chiropractor. So what if you’ll add a clip in your life that are your mittens, that’s keeping you from feeling that syncing? Really your gifts? And when you get that, right, when you get super clear on that, than the thing that you’re supposed to create shows up?
Stephanie Warner 15:53
Yeah, yeah, I love that I absolutely resonate with it. And it’s you know, allowing yourself the space but also to trust that it’s going to come that that that you will hear the voice and use your the direction will become clearer. And just trusting the slowing down. And making space is actually the right thing to do in a world full of the next milestone. The next thing we have to do the next goalpost. I love that beautiful,
R Blank 16:21
you’re really by the way, you’re very skilled, you have a lot of skills, but you’re very skilled at analogies, the yes mitten on the spine, that was very, very illustrative get one thing that this reminds on the prior episode we had on a scientist named Dr. Deborah Davis. And I remember it was just very impactful for me when at one moment she said, you know, because, you know, the past few years have been kind of crazy for everybody. And she said, you know, it leads to everyone walking around and living life. And I’m paraphrasing here, but living life, like everything is an emergency. And she said life is not an emergency. And you have to kind of step back. And remember, for me in particular, at that moment in time, it was super impactful to just hear that. And it led to some big changes both, you know, personally, but also professionally. And I hear very similar, very similar message and what you’re saying I think it’s beautiful. And I think it’s also really timely for for people to kind of hear that kind of reinforcement.
Dr. Cory Frogley 17:17
Yeah, I love that. That’s that’s a great statement. And it’s almost like not to get too much into politics or anything like that. It’s like we’re almost creating emergencies to put people into this state where it’s just, it’s exhausting. It’s so
Stephanie Warner 17:32
R Blank 17:32
it’s exhausting.
Stephanie Warner 17:33
It is it’s true, it feels like right now, it’s all about being distracted. Because there’s you know, what happens if we all stop and listen to ourselves? What decisions will we make? What would we put into power? What will we put in front of us if we actually stopped and listened to what we really want and gave credence to what is good for our souls? And what in our life?
R Blank 17:58
Amen. So if I may. This episode is sponsored by Kleenex. Taking a little bit of a turn here, I was recently on a podcast with a chiropractor and the conversation I actually I turned it around, and he’s the he was interviewing me, but I turned it around, I asked him and I’m gonna ask you something similar, which is what are or do you let as a starting point? Do you see people coming into your office or hear from colleagues coming into their offices? What are effectively injuries resulting from their relationship with technology? And, you know, one in particular that I read about a lot, but I don’t know if I’m just if it’s just in the media, or if it’s actually a thing, but it’s something that they’re calling text neck? Yeah. And there’s other chiropractors to be he’s encountering kids that are four and five years old, that already have arthritis, because of their relationships with their phones. Could you could you talk a little bit about your experience with that?
Dr. Cory Frogley 19:02
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like this is? It’s amazing. When you look at history, when you look at biomechanics, when you look at the way the spine develops, I mean, you’re not going to get a lot of this information from your traditional medical world, because they don’t, this isn’t their schooling, like you just have to realize what’s the source of where I’m getting information and what’s like our entire education. It’s eight years of school, we just don’t spend any time on pharmacology. Like that’s not our expertise. I’m not going to prescribe you a drug to cover up a symptom because that’s not what I do. What we look at is biomechanics. Like how do the joints articulate and we believe that the master organ of your entire system is your nervous system, your central nervous system, it’s the only organ completely enclosed by bone. And it only takes the weight of a quarter. That much pressure and a nerve root to shut down that nerve function by 40%. Wow. But she does don’t even feel symptoms until you’ve lost 60% function and a joint or in your organs, you don’t have sensory nerve endings, you don’t feel heart disease until the heart attack, you know, fill the problems until you know, it’s down the road. So when we look at developing the infantile spine, it comes out in what’s called the C shape. It’s a it’s a C to fit the wound, right. But that’s not the way we wait bear. The reason why we’re a weight bearing organism is because of S curves that develop in the spine. And so that cervical curve has to develop by the baby getting tummy time. And as it lays on its tummy, it begins to explore the world, it looks up, it wants to see Mom, where’s mom? Where’s Dad? What’s that noise over there. So they begin exploring their world by lifting this 10 pound weight of the skull. It’s not 10 pounds as a baby, but by the time you’re an adult, it is, well, that develops what’s called a 45 degree C curve. And the c one, the top bone in the neck should be balanced over C seven, well, for every half of an inch that the head moves forward, it increases the weight of the head, like a bowling ball. Imagine the difference between holding a bowling ball into your chest versus holding it way out in front of you, like the weight of the bowling ball didn’t change. But the strain, the ability to balance it changes everything. So when you look at your head, as that head begins to move away from the body, it increases the stress onto those joints. Well, if c four C five is the apex of that cervical curve, and your head is moving forward, more stress is being placed on C four, C five, C six, not as much on C seven, but mostly those? Well, I mean, you think about iPads you think about texting, you think about just sitting around watching movies, like our babysitter has become our digital devices. It’s our entertainment source. We’re spending a tremendous amount of time, you know, just on those devices. And so we’re not doing the exercises to restore the proper position of the neck. And as if it didn’t develop properly, because maybe you didn’t get as much tummy time. Maybe like in our era. Remember those Johnny jumpers that would hang from the doorframe and you’d put your kid in it, the kid would bounce up and down. Worse device for developing the spines, proper biomechanics. So you end up with a weight bearing infant that hasn’t even developed a cervical curve yet, let alone the lumbar curves, the lumbar curve then starts developing as the crawling patterns develop. So if you have a child that didn’t crawl for very long, it probably didn’t develop its lumbar curve properly.
R Blank 22:54
So you end up
Dr. Cory Frogley 22:55
being like 80% of the population who will suffer with low back pain at some point in their life. A lot of it ties back to these proper biomechanics. And to many people blame their pain or their health condition on, you know, an accident, like I woke up with a kink in my neck, I must have slept wrong. Well, no, you didn’t sleep or you have a biomechanical instability that’s developed over the years. And your pelo now just happened to put your neck in a position that exacerbated it. So you now have a symptom. So you get rid of the symptom and the medical model, you got rid of the problem. But that’s not how chiropractors look at it. We want to look at function. How do we restore function so that the symptoms like like let’s properly balanced biomechanical structure can handle a lot of stress and not become symptomatic, or break down with degenerative arthritis. So that’s what we do as a professional. We analyze X ray as we look at Biomega biomechanical structures and where weight bearing is and repetitive injuries over time that changes the biomechanics to an end unstable, or changing the stress points on the spine where they shouldn’t be. So that not only can we prevent future issues, we can put you through treatment that restores the proper biomechanics, bringing you back to a stable structure that can handle stress because we can’t get rid of stress.
R Blank 24:26
So it’s part of its treatment, the right word treatment regimen that you put your clients through customers, do you address the ways in which or the frequency or ways in which that they, for instance, are using their phone or the way they are sitting when they’re binging Netflix is that does that come up? Are you trying to kind of just fix the mechanism?
Dr. Cory Frogley 24:48
It’s a great question. So if you came into my my practice with a rock in your shoe, and you said Doc, I can’t walk like my foot hurts so bad. Can you Take a look at it. And if I just gave you Advil, like it feel better for a minute, right and Advil was off and the foot hurts again, because the Pebble is still in the shoe, you got to get rid of the root cause. And so if you came in and I just took the pebble out of the shoe allowed the bruise to heal, you wouldn’t have the pain again, because we actually got rid of the root cause. So that’s what we really look for with our patients. Okay, now that I’ve identified the biomechanical imbalance, what caused it? For some people, it’s an auto accident. For some people it was when they were dropped on their head as a baby, for some people that was getting hit in the face with a soccer ball when they were playing, you know, Junior League Soccer. And for a lot, it’s the way they’re using their posture throughout the day. So we actually have done posture classes, that we require certain patients to go through that if you want to be a patient here, you’ve have to go through postural class to learn how to set up your workstation to learn how to use your digital devices and proper mechanics and for proper timeframes and to give yourself breaks and your stretches. And then what could you do that we actually call spinal hygiene, spinal hygiene is just like you brush your teeth on a regular basis to remove the stress that foods putting on your teeth. How do you do spinal hygiene every day that removes the stress that you’re putting on your spine from the world that we live in now have such a digital, you know, work environment,
R Blank 26:29
that’s great. I feel like I would like to take that class much less, I think everyone should, should be introduced information like that, that’s really so on those along those lines. Before we wrap up and let you get back to your your busy day. Are there one or two pieces of advice that you could give my listeners that would help keep them out of your office healthcare.
Dr. Cory Frogley 26:53
So literally as living. So what I want everybody to do listening to this right now, and if you guys will go along with me on this, go ahead and sit up nice and tall in wherever you are, if you’re listening to this laying down, I want you to sit up, I want you to get in a seated position right. Now what I want you to do is go ahead and move your head forward. So you’re pushing your nose straight out, almost like like a woodpecker your head is now sitting out in front your body. That’s perfect. Now round your shoulders so that they’re now slouching forward. This is the typical posture that I’m seeing in kids and people who are sitting at a workstation, what I want you to do now is take a deep breath in through your nose and just out through your mouth. And I just take I want you to do it again. But do it as deep as you can. Okay, I want you to just to pay attention one more time, do it again to the amount of air that you’re getting into your body without changing posture, your head is still forward, your shoulders are still rounded, go ahead and do it again. Right now all I want you to do is sit back up straight, I want you to take your finger and put it on the chin just below your lip. And just lightly just push that back. So your head is now over you’re at your chest right? Then what I want you to do is let the shoulders come back, almost like you’re in what we call a military posture, you’re at attention, right? So you should be sitting up tall, your shoulders should be back your head should be balanced over your torso. I now want you to take that same deep breath into the nose do it with me are give me give me a rating like a percentage did you get
R Blank 28:41
oh, I felt like twice I could get twice the amount of errors like
Dr. Cory Frogley 28:45
200% more air? What is the basic life source to the human body?
R Blank 28:51
I think you’re you’re going for breathing right?
Dr. Cory Frogley 28:56
need oxygen? You know that by decreasing the oxygen content in the bloodstream we increase dramatically the risks of cancers
R Blank 29:06
does not surprise me. Yeah,
Dr. Cory Frogley 29:08
depression. I mean, you name it you name the disease that’s related to oxygen deprivation. So what you just experienced is moving from us different state if you’re existing in a state where you’re reducing your oxygen capacity by the posture you’re holding each day. And if you could just change that one thing, become aware, aware of how I’m working on my phone, and if I’m holding it in a position that’s putting me in that posture that I just showed you. Then you’re decreasing your oxygen capacity. If you can intentionally set a timer when you’re working at a workstation every 15 minutes just have a little bell that goes off. That was a posture check. Oh, oh, I need to round my shoulders. I need to put my finger on my chin and push my head back. Okay, I’m back to work every 45 minutes. Get up and walk around, get into the posture, stand against a wall. So your heels, your bum, the back, your shoulders in the back, your head are all touching the wall at the same time. And then round your shoulders back and put the back your hands on that wall and take 10 deep breaths and through the nose, out through the mouth, nice and slow, takes you two minutes. And then you’re right back to the workstation in a good posture. You have posture awareness, but what you just did for your body to increase the oxygen capacity in the bloodstream, it like stimulates endorphins that releases dopamine, like all the good things that increase mood. And we know we’re more productive as a human being when we are in a good mood. And it’s just the simple things that can be life changing.
R Blank 30:49
That was super powerful. And I really appreciate you sharing that that was a really great way to go out on this episode. Before we say goodbye, I do want to just throw in one final thing, which is well, a it’s been an absolute pleasure talking to you. And I’ve learned so much. But the other thing I want to say is with blue IQ, you know, because this is this is the healthier tech podcast. And a lot of what we talk about is focused on some of the you know, the ways that much, maybe we were just talking about some of the ways in which maybe we’re using technology in ways that isn’t so healthy. But with blue IQ, you’re you’ve designed a form or a piece of technology in a very specific way, in your very specific vision to accomplish a specific goal and in a way that creates such value and help so many people. And I just wanted to highlight that I think that’s a great example of positive use of tech of healthier tech. And so I want to thank you for what you’ve done. And I want to thank you very much for coming on the show.
Dr. Cory Frogley 31:49
Thank you. Thank you, thank you. I mean, I think any of us that are in business or any entrepreneurial, like we all kind of know, we need to manage our businesses by the numbers and profits, right? That’s kind of an important part of business, we have to be profitable. And so yeah, we just created a free Facebook group for people that want to not necessarily use our software, just learn more about how do I become a data driver? How do I build a team around data and connect, you know, your purpose, your passions around seeing it in the data? And so, yeah, the data driven practice, it’s just a free community you guys can be a part of, but so the group’s name is the data driven practice. Practice better tomorrow? Yeah, any business member could be in it. It’s just learning. Like, what are KPIs? And what are driving your business by lead metrics instead of lag metrics? And how do we produce this cadence of accountability for the team? And yeah, it’s just a fun community that,
Stephanie Warner 32:46
that I love that what is the story that data is telling us? And how do we interpret it, and then make smart decisions that help our business and our lifestyles based on what it’s saying. And I think that’s something that people are it’s intimidating when you see a bunch of numbers and data and all this stuff happening if you don’t know how to read the story. So I love that you’re open, your group is open to others as well. I think it’s very helpful. Thank you. This has been an amazing, amazing interview.
R Blank 33:16
Oh, shucks. People want to learn more about Blue IQ, the URL there is get blue IQ.
Dr. Cory Frogley 33:23
Yep, if you’re a dentist or a chiropractor, funny enough, we actually have lots of different businesses using our it’s all about integrations. And we have integrations to Google integrations to QuickBooks integrations to Facebook. So we actually end up with a lot of different businesses using our software you just made. Yeah, you manually enter some of the other data points. But for chiropractors, for dentists, we have the integrations with your patient management software. So it just pulls all of that in. So we create an entire, you know, these beautiful dashboards and that we can connect to your team members and mine your data for revenue opportunities and a lot of cool stuff.
R Blank 33:58
That’s really great. Excellent. Well, thank you so much for coming on the show today. Frankly, I personally, really appreciate it and your time and congratulations on blue IQ.
Dr. Cory Frogley 34:07
Thank you so much. Absolutely.
Unknown Speaker 34:11
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the healthier tech podcast. Remember to check the show notes for all the links and resources mentioned in the show. Please like and subscribe to the healthier tech podcast on Apple, Spotify or your podcast platform of choice. Get your free quickstart guide to building a healthy relationship with technology and our latest information at healthier
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