S3 Ep 063 Cheryl Meyer Wants You to Own Your Own Health and Return to Wellness

In this episode, Cheryl candidly discusses her personal journey of conquering chronic autoimmune disease, shedding light on the detrimental effects of CRAP foods in our diets and highlighting the crucial distinction between dieting and making sustainable dietary changes.
S3 Ep 063 Cheryl Meyer


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Show Notes

Today, Cheryl Meyer joins us to share her inspiring journey overcoming chronic autoimmune disease. Cheryl was a successful solopreneur – and like many of us, neglected her health due to her busy lifestyle, which eventually took a toll on her body. 

After extensive research and significant lifestyle changes, she was able to ditch the pain and return to a balanced and healthy life. And today, she is here to help you start to find your missing puzzle pieces and begin to adopt a healthier lifestyle. 

S3 Ep 063 Cheryl Meyer

In this episode, you will hear: 

  • Why you should also stop eating CRAP (carbonated, refined, artificial, and processed) food.
  • How dieting and changing your diet are two different things. 
  • Eating from the rainbow from the Farm-acy. 
  • Your pets are also affected by the toxins in your house, not just you. 
  • What functional medicine is and what you should look for in a functional medicine practitioner. 
  • Why the SAD (Standard American Diet) is sad for your body. 
  • Changing the social mindsets around land use and growing food. 

Ten years ago, I was a solopreneur when I woke up one morning and couldn’t get out of bed because of pain in my joints and my muscles. My conventional doctor ran many tests but had no clue what was wrong with me. She believed that there is NOTHING wrong with me and that I should seek mental therapy.

I was working 24/7, not practicing any kind of self-care. I was eating on the fly and eating as fast as I was working. My diet was processed food of all kinds and it was making me sick. I had autoimmune disease. My stress was so out of control my cortisol was almost to Addison’s disease. Something had to change, I couldn’t function.

I researched, changed my lifestyle and eating habits and ditched my pain of autoimmune disease. I lost 65 pounds without dieting, but by allowing my body to return to balance eating the rainbow of organic whole foods.

I work with clients with chronic illnesses to help them return to balance and wellness. My superpower is helping others find the puzzle pieces for wellness that they can control for themselves. Eating the rainbow, and adopting my 22 pillars of health, I no longer have pain from my autoimmune disease, and I feel great. I want others to enjoy feeling great as well. I have books, classes, podcasts, cookbooks, and coaching available to support this process.

My magazine on health is due out at the end of May. It Feels Good to Feel Good Magazine, Inspiration for a Healthier Life

My superpower is finding holistic solutions for missing puzzle pieces to wellness. The magazine will be a roadmap for the many different avenues to health. Nothing is Impossible. Embrace the possible. Health is a journey, it is not a destination.

Episode References: 

Connect with Cheryl Meyer:

Website: www.cherylmhealthmuse.com 

Email: cherylmhealthmuse@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cheryl.meyer3/

Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/feelinggoodlivinglowtoxin/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cherylmhealthmuse/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cherylmeyer/ 

Books: https://cherylmhealthmuse.com/store/book/ Ditch Your Diet Program: https://cherylmhealthmuse.com/product/ditch-your-diet-program-run-quarterly-class-description/

Connect with R Blank and Stephanie Warner: For more Healthier Tech Podcast episodes and to download our Healthier Tech Quick Start Guide, visit https://www.healthiertech.co and follow https://instagram.com/healthiertech

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Cheryl Meyer 0:00
There are solutions, we’re just not accepting them. And there’s so much money gaslighting us that the standard American diet is a healthy thing for us to eat and it’s on all levels. Everybody’s involved in pharmaceuticals involved with think food is involved with health insurance is involved with it. Medical schools are involved with it because they’re getting all their funding from those companies. Media is involved with it because they’re cutting all of our ad dollars from that. We need to change our mindset and get our legislators on board. That real food is the importance because otherwise we’re gonna lose our whole status in the world because we have no brain power left for our children as they’re growing up. So there is actually a committee now meeting that is trying to find solutions to get real food out of all income levels.

Announcer 0:50
Welcome to the healthier tech podcast, the show about building a healthier relationship with modern technology. Now here are your hosts R blank and Stephanie Warner.

R Blank 1:03
Okay, Steph, so today, I’m going to ask you, what does the phrase sad crap mean to you?

Stephanie Warner 1:11
You know, I would love to answer that question, but I’m going to actually let our next guest answer that question. I’m going to tell everybody who’s listening are getting ready to listen to this episode. It’s not what you think. And you’re getting, I’m picking up my energy right now for this intro, because you’re going to meet our next guest has a tremendous amount of energy and passion for what she’s doing. And hold on, you’re gonna get a lot of really great information. So let’s get started. Let’s not wait, come on.

R Blank 1:40
Let’s get into it.

Today, Cheryl Meyer joins us to share her inspiring journey overcoming chronic autoimmune disease Sure, was a successful solopreneur and like many of us neglected her health due to her busy lifestyle, which eventually took a toll on her body. Her conventional doctor could not identify the root cause and advise her to seek mental therapy. However, after extensive research and significant lifestyle changes, she was able to ditch the pain and return to a balanced and healthy life. She lost 65 pounds without dieting, and found her superpower and helping others find missing puzzle pieces to wellness. She also wrote two award winning books and a magazine to inspire others to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Welcome to the healthier tech podcast. Cheryl,

Cheryl Meyer 2:34
thank you so much for inviting me. I love being here.

Stephanie Warner 2:37
Yeah, we’re so excited to have you.

R Blank 2:39
Thank you. So there’s a lot of questions here. But whenever I hear a story like this, I’m very tempted to ask, how did you lose 65 pounds without dieting?

Cheryl Meyer 2:53
Because I stopped eating all of that. And I call it crap, carbonated refined artificial and processed food. And I started eating, I researched what was organic, what was GMO? What importance was there to eat in close to the farm, and I changed everything about my lifestyle, including who my significant other was because he didn’t want to get healthy.

R Blank 3:25
Or you lost more than 65 pounds or whatever. 265 pounds.

Cheryl Meyer 3:32
A partner who wanted to go in and get well journey with me and he lost 80 pounds with me. So there’s two of us in this together. Wow. And he is my perfect partner. He edits my books. He produced my podcast when I was doing them. He just edited my whole magazine. He’s a techie. And so I’m finally letting him write his own books I’m trying to interview

R Blank 4:00
so So yeah, you weren’t dieting, but you changed your diet, right? So it’s kind

Cheryl Meyer 4:04
of right. We didn’t die it I don’t count calories or points kits. And to do that. We just go searching for real food and we’re still foodies, but we’re paying for real food. And we do try to eat as close to the farm as we can. Here we have a great and I’m in Los Angeles, we have a fantastic farmers market. in Sedona, there’s several organic grocers, so I can get really good food in the two locations that I eat in. And we buy right from the rancher in Sedona here, we get to go and get it from the farmers market, but we have great food available. And we both cook so very little of what we eat is not cooked by ourselves so that we can control what we’re putting in our bodies. Yeah, and as a result, we feel fantastic. Both of us. Yeah, when we 74 And he’s 76 We feel better than we did in our 50s

R Blank 5:00
That’s great, ya know, when you eat out, you have no idea what they’re adding in where the ingredients are sourced what oils they’re using, how much of it how much salt is a big one? Yeah. But before we get into the details of your background, there was just while I was prepping this episode, there was a phrase from Michael Pollan that popped into my head, which was, you know, his basic rules for eating are eat food, and we can discuss what that means but eat food, not too mostly plants, and not too much, is that sort of the factor into your approach as well.

Cheryl Meyer 5:36
Yes, I actually am a pagan in how I eat. And I’m a pagan. And I cook paleo for my husband, a pagan, eats more vegetable, and less me, I never eat more than the palm of my hand, because I don’t need it. But he’s an old blood type, he needs more protein. But when we eat whatever protein we eat, it is high quality protein. So we eat animals that eat what they were put on this earth to eat. cows have to guts, so they eat grass, and they’re finished with grass. So we buy high quality beef and bison lambs only eat grass, they’re easy, I can actually eat that sometimes when I go out. I like pastured pick, and pork. And I like it from Heritage breeds, so that they too are eating mostly vegetables. But no matter how you choose to eat, if you’re my client, I want you to eat 70% of what you’re eating all the colours of the rainbow. And I want you to eat them all in the same week. Because they get together and they create all kinds of energy that’s healthy for your body, and good for your brain and your moods. Believe it or not, it can reverse depression. So live food is crucial to eat from the pharmacy with an F is.

Stephanie Warner 6:54
I love that. That’s that’s you, you touched on a lot of a lot of really interesting topics. And I can you just can we sit back to what can you share with us? What motivated you to research and find your own answers to your health issues? And how did this process lead to the creation of your award winning books? Well,

Cheryl Meyer 7:16
I started researching because I had a conventional doctor that ran four rounds of tests and called me and said good news. There’s nothing wrong with you. And I was I can’t punch him. And so my mother had had a very rare disease. And I studied it so that I was as knowledgeable as her doctors in Southern California, which sometimes made them crazy. But I was very involved in her health and she was supposed to live with three years and she lived him, she had something called multiple system atrophy. So I knew that if I dug in, I might not understand everything I read, but I could learn. And I was lucky because I didn’t know what I was looking for. And I tripped into the functional medical community. And at the time, they were running 19 Different symposiums with multiple doctors and I listened to every single one of them. And what first caught my attention was they all turned functional because I got sick themselves and couldn’t help themselves. So okay, something worth listening to here. And then they started talking about things. I knew nothing about leaky gut, toxic load that I had gotten into toxic load. So I made notes and I started to research. We had had GMOs on the ballot in California, I had no clue what a GMO was. And it lost and lost because of all the misinformation. So that’s where I started. And I started with stress. Because my stress had gotten so bad. I had no cortisol left in my body. I was almost to Addison’s disease. And my conventional doctor was what’s to do? You’re not sick yet? Well, I didn’t want to go there. So those were the two places I started, I learned to breathe, I started taking yoga, I went into the EW g.org database, which is enormous and looked up every single product in my life. And I started researching what did I have to eat organic, so I wasn’t feeding myself poison. And as I’ve grown into my health, pretty much everything I buy now it’s organic, even if it’s not on the EW G Dirty Dozen list. It could be sprayed with as many as 64 toxins. There’s another site called what’s on my food, and I look things up there so that I know what the poisons are that are on that food that I’m eating. So we’ve tried really hard to buy organic and click our own food so that we can control it. But why did I do the research? I couldn’t function literally. I didn’t want to be sick and tired of being sick and tired. And I was going to bankrupt my health which was going to bankrupt my business. I was doing a lot of business with overseas factories. I was flying back and forth to Asia all the time. And I’m in Los Angeles. All my customers were on the East Coast I was selling big box Companies like Macy’s and Kohl’s and JC Penney, so I was always on an aeroplane. And I needed to have the energy to get up at two o’clock in the morning and fly someplace and then come home and then implement. So there was no way I was going to live that way. So I dug in. And it took me five years, but I eliminated dozens and dozens and dozens of toxins from my life. And then I found my own functional doctor who took me the rest of the way home, I have fibromyalgia, I will always have it. But I no longer have any pain, or any brain fog. I do occasionally get little flares, but they don’t come with all of those nasty side effects. And I’m functioning better than I did in my 50s. So it’s all been well worth it. And I sold my business. Because I was running into women in the grocery store. And that that the Sophists who were all in the same boat I was something was wrong, and they weren’t getting any answers. So I decided what the heck, my BA was from Berkeley in English, didn’t think that was going to give me any credibility and health. So I went back and got certified as a health coach, and then put my shingle up for health news as in so that I could share what I had learned with other people, which has become my mission.

R Blank 11:11
So there’s a lot to unpack there, but very inspirational, a lot to unpack there. One thing I want to ask, so whenever a guest because toxins come up a lot on their show. And it’s used a lot in culture. But I find that it’s I find it insightful whenever a guest brings up toxins to actually ask them to define what a toxin is. So what what does what is a toxin mean to you,

Cheryl Meyer 11:40
to me, a toxin is a poison. And it can come in a variety of forms. And I actually have an environmental toxin expert who wrote an article for my magazine, which will help people understand it as well. But a toxin could be things in your cleaning fluids that are harmful and going through your skin and your lungs. And so knowing what’s in the products that you’re using in your home is really important. Cosmetics are self regulated by cosmetic companies. Trust me, they’re doing a lousy job at it. So you need to the first thing I looked up was my expensive French cosmetics. It was a nine on a 10 point scale. Literally, I was poisoning myself right through my face. So I dug it in now back then 10 years ago, I was looking at everything, every single ingredient up, I have learned from merrily who wrote the article for my magazine, you start at the bottom, which is the smallest amount. And when you hit something really toxic, you put it aside, you get it out of the house because it off gases, and then you start looking for something that’s cleaner. And she is introducing a whole toss the toxins course in my magazine that you can take for $99 I think and learn what to get out of your house. But things like perfumes idea, or the things you spray to make your air clean, or the things you spray to take the smells out of your ear, that’s all toxic. Not only what’s a toxic for me, but I had three cats, and I lost them all way before their time. I was so busy researching for myself, my cats had always lived into their 20s I’d asked them at 1214 and 16. So when I was done with my own health, I wrote my second book, and there’s a whole section on how to make a healthy environment for your pets, because I wasn’t gonna get more pets until I figured out how to feed them how to get rid of all the toxins on my kitchen floor and my counters and my toilets. All of that became I became like a toxin fanatic to get them out of the house because I didn’t want anything that I loved to be impacted by them.

R Blank 13:54
I need to I need to read that part on pets.

Stephanie Warner 13:56
Yeah, I really appreciate you to you know, really recognising that your pets are also affected and trying to come up with some actionable things that people can do not not just but sharing the information that you learned to help you know make the environment safer for your pets as well. I think sometimes we don’t think about that and and I love that you did but and there’s so much to talk about with toxins of course but again it kind of want to step back a little bit and ask a little bit about functional medicine kind of getting back to your to your journey. What is functional medicine and what should people look for in a functional medicine practitioner.

Cheryl Meyer 14:34
general medicine I would love to think is the future of medicine. They are root cause medicine so they do not just look at your liver. If you’re having a problem of thier liver, they look at the whole body because everything in your body is in synergy with everything else. And as an example if you have a problem with your liver, which I did, I had a fatty liver I have reversed that. That’s the number one cause of heart attacks and heart disease. is, so all the pieces fit together. But when you go to a conventional or allopathic doctor, they look at segregated parts of your body. And they’re trained to listen, average of five to seven minutes and down the chute comes to the pill, and they treat that one body part. Whereas a functional medicine wants to find out what’s the root cause that’s going wrong in your body. As an example, with autoimmune disease for a long time, I didn’t know what line was caused, because they didn’t care. They treat it all the same way. It was all treated with lifestyle and with changing how I ate. So she didn’t tell me that I had five Moriah until fairly recently, and getting rid of all the toxins is important for autoimmune disease. But inflammation is caused by toxicity. It’s caused by your food. And it is the root cause of autoimmune disease, liver disease, heart disease, cancer, all of them. And a functional doctor looks at all of you so that all of you works in synergy together. They are nature paths, they are trained in allopathic medicine, but then they get additional training. And as I said, either they all got sick and couldn’t help themselves. Or they had a loved one who got sick that they couldn’t help, which is why they went for the additional training. My functional doctor has pills, pharmaceuticals, in her bailiwick. But she starts with holistic solutions first, which I prefer. And then if I need to take a pharmaceutical, it’s with the approach that it’s going to only mitigate short term, and I’m going to do whatever lifestyle change I need to do to reverse it so that I can get back off the pharmaceutical.

Stephanie Warner 16:46
Yeah, I love that it. Yeah, that’s a great description of what of what functional when a functional practitioner practitioner does, how would we so I feel like there’s a there’s a lot of information out there. Do you have any advice for listeners on how to best find one, and actually, there’s an

Cheryl Meyer 17:04
organisation is, I have got org, I FC di worry, you put in your zip code, and all of the functional practitioners in your area will pop up. Great. Now the disadvantage is, insurance companies are part of the gig for the pharmaceutical network. And so my doctor was taking insurance and she’s slowly dropping off, because they started dictating to her that her appointments had to be six minutes. And I spend an average of 40 minutes with her I research She researches we get together we have a robust conversation. And then we go out and I go find ways to implement to go to the next step. And I’m still searching. I’m constantly searching for my puzzle pieces so that then I can help others with my puzzle pieces. So most of them do not take insurance. And that’s an issue. Yes, there is a new thing called concierge medicine where you’ll pay so much. And then you get access to the doctor, the health coach, the nature path, whoever is in that office at a reduced rate, because they want to practice medicine, they’re in it because they’re passionate to help people. So you have to I called every single functional person in Los Angeles when I knew it was time. And till I found that there were only two at that point. There are now more but you have to put in the energy and you got to call find out if they do root cause medicine. And then ask them what kind of insurance do they take? I take Medicare, she covers that. And Medicare covers me. But you have to ask all the questions and it is out there. You can’t find it. But it is worth it. Just to get yourself onto holistic approaches to health and to return to wellness because in the long run, it’s gonna save you money.

R Blank 19:02
So while prepping this episode, I came across an acronym that you use, which I’d never seen before and that is sad. Can you explain to our listeners what sad is?

Cheryl Meyer 19:16
Yep, the sad is a very sad diet. And it stands for Standard American Diet. It’s the the diet of processed and fast food that we all eat. It’s convenient. It’s cheap, not really anomic land why? But it includes everything you buy in the inner shows in the grocery store all your frozen food, and believe it or not most restaurant food now, which is also bought directly from big food. And what it is, is chemicals that food engineers have made to look smell, taste and sound like they’re the real thing but there’s nothing real about it. So it’s not feeding health to your body. It is loaded with As I call that crap, carbonated refined, artificial process stuff that is not helping our health, which is why any 8% of us are metabolically unset from Two new studies. So Michael,

R Blank 20:13
can you explain what metabolically unfit means? Like the actual definition, you’re

Cheryl Meyer 20:17
on the verge of getting a metabolic disease, which is diabetes, autoimmune disease, cancer, one of the diseases that I talked about, and processed food actually increases inflammation in the body, and inflammation becomes one of those metabolic diseases.

R Blank 20:36
Now you say this diet, the SAD diet seems cheaper, but that’s misleading, right? And so yeah, no, I’m assuming. And that when when people say it’s cheaper, you’re talking about dollar per calorie or something like that. But

Cheryl Meyer 20:51
you’re actually right off the bat, it’s subsidised with our tax dollars, make it cheap. So we’re paying for it, it just we’re not feeling the pain of paying for it,

R Blank 21:02
like the corn syrup, kind of

Cheryl Meyer 21:05
coin serve, which is just pure gut rot. Yeah, that’s nice. And all our farm animals are eating that stuff, too, which is they’re eating GMOs, which either have BT toxin in them, which disrupts your gut and the goddess of the sea to your health, or it’s in it, which was proven two years ago to cause cancer. Robert Kennedy Jr. won a huge case against Monsanto that proved they found for 25 years that roundup was causing cancer. And they finally proved it, because they got all of the discovery. And so that’s what a GMO is, it’s one of those two things, you don’t want that stuff in your body. And all of that is subsidised by our government. And then you have all the costs at the other end, where our health costs are getting so enormous here, we’re not going to be able to keep up with it. So you’re going to pay for it on one end or the other. So I strongly recommend you own your own health, you start feeding yourself real food, so that you stay healthy, because you don’t want to go into the hole, buy one and then have to claw your way back out.

Stephanie Warner 22:11
What would you say? So this is, you know, I love the concept and the advice of eating organic and eating healthy and eating this high quality food. What what what are strategies you could give to our listeners who may not be able to afford to eat the highest quality ingredients or to go out and find the grass fed beef, because in different places in the country? A it’s not as accessible. And B, if it is accessible, it’s really expensive. Where can some where can we meet in the middle?

Cheryl Meyer 22:49
One of the things that I’m encouraging and I have some experience with it, my stepson bought old dilapidated properties in downtown Indianapolis, and he’s converting it to farms. And the kids in the neighbourhood are helping him. And then they go on the truck, and they sell it out to other areas in the city. If urban areas where we have lower income people have access to real food. That’s the beginning. I also think we should be using the land next to sidewalks to grow real food. We need to change our mindset so that everyone has access to real food, school programmes should be growing their own food. My stepdaughter has my two grandchildren, they’re growing food right at the elementary school and the kids are all involved in it. So that all kids get access to real food, there are solutions, we’re just not accepting them. And there’s so much money gaslighting us that the standard American diet is a healthy thing for us to eat. And it’s on all levels. Everybody’s involved in pharmaceuticals involved with think food is involved with health insurance is involved with it. Medical schools are involved with it, because they’re getting all their funding from those companies. Media is involved with it, because they’re putting all of our ad dollars from that. We need to change our mindset and get our legislators on board. That real food is the importance because otherwise we’re going to lose our whole status in the world because we have no brain power left for our children as they’re growing up. So there is actually a committee now meeting that is trying to find solutions to get real food out at all income levels.

R Blank 24:35
So I’ve read and we’ve talked on the podcast about this before about the role that technology is playing in diet and that that can that can come from a few different perspectives but in terms of food consumption and weight management, so one example being you know blue light, which disrupts melatonin production and circadian rhythms. It also stimulates ghrelin, which makes us hungry You’re in decreases leptin, which makes us feel less satisfied. I’m proud of you that you know about those. So, but you combine all of those factors with the less sleep that you’re getting. So we have less energy and are hormonally driven to consume more. And often the what you would call sad crap. What what is the role of technology in your recommended approach to diet and lifestyle and pursuit of health,

Cheryl Meyer 25:28
unless I continue to look for my puzzle pieces, I’m having an issue with my lymph system. And I had a Dickens of a time finding anything about it. And I finally figured out because allopathic doctors don’t know about it, because there’s not a pill for it. So I hired a nature pass that fell in love with my first book, The first thing he has us doing here is we’re wearing magnets every day, to protect us against all the electronic energy coming at us all the time. I sleep with it, I have it on my body at all times, because it’s important that I’m protected from all of that energy that’s floating around us all the time. So that’s one of the things. Second thing is lymph system, I have scars, I had my appendix removed when I was in my 20s. I have a huge fat scar. I’m massaging it everyday with sesame seed oil. And then I’m using a red light infrared light on it to make that scar disappear. And I’ll be darned, it is disappearing, I have another one on my left ankle that’s disappearing, both from massaging it with the sesame seed oil, which makes it softer, and then using the red light, which is helping it to heal and disappear. Because if you don’t, then you’re the lymph. It’s all about flow. And what it does is it picks up the trash around all yourself. And if it can’t get them out, he re circulates them and dumps them back into your gut. So you need to heal your scars so that you have flow so that you have health. And as goes your lymph system goes your liver and your heart. So they’re all interconnected. So I’m enjoying learning, while I’m implementing all of this. And it’s great. But it is all technology oriented. And then I am starting to do infrared sauna. I just had my first session on Wednesday, because that will I have something called MTHFR, which I inherited from both my parents, which means I don’t sweat. And what goes in my body stays in my body. So toxins are very hard for me to evict. So I am ever going to go twice a week now and sweat in this infrared sauna to help my body returned to balance and health is balance. That’s what you’re aiming.

R Blank 27:48
So in this this journey of yours is what you said 1010 years now. 10 years. Yeah. So and so in the last 10 years, you’ve completely changed your life’s direction. What is your current mission? And and how are you seeking to make a positive impact on people’s health? And more broadly? Are you optimistic about public health or or not?

Cheryl Meyer 28:15
Then I would have been a year ago because I’ve been talking a lot about trying to get people to change how they eat. And there’s a there’s so much pushback, even had mothers get mad at me that I was calling them bad mothers. By telling them they should let their kids out to eat all the Halloween candy that was on the street. But today, I am finding I’m starting to build a following and people are interested in they’re starting to listen, which is why I decided I was gonna do the magazine. I am trying to be as loud as I can be to get my message out. Because my mission is to inform people as a muse. I want to inspire people to change. And that’s why I chose that name. And yeah, I think I mean, I’m happy that there’s a group meeting in Washington, I think it’s going to take a long time before they change because there’s so much money passing honey, but one of the lead functional doctors is heading the group. And he is optimistic which makes me optimistic. And then there’s another person I just recently found named Callie meads, and I strongly recommend everybody follow him. He’s got a newsletter. His sister is a functional doctor. She left allopathic medicine. He was a Harvard MBA that went to work for big business. And he saw firsthand from big food, all the GOP gaslighting that was going on, and he is becoming increasingly vocal and doing tonnes of podcasts. And people are paying attention because he’s a whistleblower. He saw it firsthand. And we need more people like that. I can talk about how I feel good now, and that has some impact but it’s not the same as him talking about how He watched a broad range of big business, pull the wool over our eyes and how serious it is. So as more people jump on the bandwagon and more of us get loud about what we’re talking about, I think it will, it has to change. 54% of our kids have chronic illness already. And wow, 30% of our kids are overweight, and they just approved ozempic to be the drug of choice. And the problem with ozempic is when kids get on it, they can’t get off it. There’s all kinds of metabolic nasties that happened to the child’s body when they tried to get off of it. So it’s a choice I have to have once a month from life. Ah, it’s a lifestyle disease. So if we can get the parents to understand if they change how they’re feed their kids, and they don’t put them on ozempic, they’re going to have a much brighter future all the way around, and we’re gonna have a brighter future as a country.

R Blank 30:54
Well, I love the fact that you’re optimistic because I’m not always optimistic. And the energy that you bring is is is clearly evident in terms of the mission that you stated to inform and serve as people’s muse. I know a couple of the ways you have four books out, two of which have won dozens of awards. One is it feels good to feel good. Learn to eliminate toxins, reduce inflammation, and feel great again, and the other is feeling good living low toxin and community in everyday life. And we’ll have links to both of those in the show notes. And I understand you have a new magazine also called,

Cheryl Meyer 31:33
it feels good to feel good that it’s going to be free in digital form. Or you can buy a hardcopy, I bought a mailing list of 12,000 nature paths and functional doctors and spa owners. And I’m hoping they’re going to put it in their lobbies. So that while people are waiting for appointments, they will pick it up and read it. And they’re all going to be a part of what I’m recommending in the magazine, so that they’ll be interested in having it in their lobby. So 13,000 People are gonna get a copy of the magazine digitally. And then you can buy a copy of the magazine in hardback form, not hardback but in paperback form. And it will be available in digital form on my website, which is right under construction right now. So that it’s real easy to see and utilise and loaded with great information. And it’s the same base name is I am, it’s Cheryl with a C M, for Mary health news.com. And then if you want to write to me, I will answer you and I’m just you’re on my mails because@gmail.com. If you buy my book, my first book comes with a workbook, because people were like I can do all this at once you don’t have to do it all at once, just start to do it, start to look things up, start to eliminate the toxins, write down what you’re going to replace that icky thing with when you run out of it, so that you have it at your fingertips to get it out of the house and have been in the garage in the meantime. So it’s not poisoning you every day until you can replace it. I’m trying to come up with solutions that are possible for everybody, because you’re gonna have to replace it at some point. So replace it with something less toxic, and some of the less toxic things I’m using are a lot less expensive. So it doesn’t necessarily have to be a big financial problem for you to change. Certainly eating fruits and vegetables, instead of going out to dinner does not need to be more expensive. But if you’re a lower income family, you’re probably not eating out a whole lot anyway. So finding solutions for them is something I’m doing a lot of noodling. Not because I want to help everybody.

R Blank 33:40
That’s great. And I also along those lines, I also I understand, you also have a workshop that you run a few times a year called ditch your diet.

Cheryl Meyer 33:50
And I now run it six or seven times, I have incredible testimonials on it, you can go to my blog on my website and read what people have said about it. And my deal is if you take it once, and you want to refresh your when I run it the next time you get to join for free, because I have found that you have things to share with the new people that are valuable. Plus, it’s a lot of information. So you get to have it all reinforced again until it clicks. And then it’s non negotiable to eat any other way. And so I literally am changing the health of people one person at a time. That’s one lifestyle habit at a time and I’m loving doing that.

R Blank 34:29
Well Cheryl, it’s been a real, real pleasure talking to you talking to someone so energetic, so optimistic, and with such a wonderful life changing story. The website that you mentioned is Cheryl M health news.com We’ll have that link in the show notes. Is there anything else you would like our listeners to do or to take action or to connect with you

Cheryl Meyer 34:52
know everything when the website right now everything is there, but when the websites done it’ll be easy to click so you can buy the book The second book was how I live this way, which my functional doctor asked me to write, because that was the part where people weren’t figuring out. And once it becomes non negotiable, he come up with all kinds of solutions. I go to somebody’s house for dinner, I don’t make them cook for me, I take my own food, and I pick enough that everybody can try it. And as I want to be with the people, it has nothing to do with what I put in my body. And so I call and I explain that to the hostess that we’re thrilled to come meet her and her friends, but not to feel bad, I’m gonna bring my own food and they can all try it. Because that way, then maybe they’ll try being healthy next round. So there’s all kinds of solutions, you just have to decide it’s not negotiable any other way.

R Blank 35:46
Well, I encourage our listeners to go check out the site and learn start learning about those solutions. And I imagine it’s a lot like what we talked about here. Once you start thinking in these ways, the solutions start just coming to you what I use, use changes that you can make that fit your lifestyle. So again, thank you so much for taking the time today to come.

Cheryl Meyer 36:04
Thank you so much. I obviously love to share.

Stephanie Warner 36:10
We’d love that. Thank you.

Cheryl Meyer 36:12
Thank you so much.

Announcer 36:15
Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the healthier tech podcast. Remember to check the show notes for all the links and resources mentioned in the show. Please like and subscribe to the healthier tech podcast on Apple, Spotify or your podcast platform of choice. Get your free quickstart guide to building a healthy relationship with technology and our latest information at healthier tech.co

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R Blank

R Blank

R Blank is the founder of Healthier Tech and the host of “The Healthier Tech Podcast”, available iTunes, Spotify and all major podcasting platforms.

R has a long background in technology. Previously, R ran a software engineering firm in Los Angeles, producing enterprise-level solutions for blue chip clients including Medtronic, Apple, NBC, Toyota, Disney, Microsoft, the NFL, Ford, IKEA and Mattel.

In the past, he served on the faculty at the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering where he taught software engineering, as well as the University of California, Santa Cruz.

He has spoken at technology conferences around the world, including in the US, Canada, New Zealand and the Netherlands, and he is the co-author of “AdvancED Flex Development” from Apress.

He has an MBA from the UCLA Anderson School of Management and received his bachelor’s degree, with honors, from Columbia University. He has also studied at Cambridge University in the UK; the University of Salamanca in Spain; and the Institute of Foreign Languages in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia.

Connect with R on LinkedIn.

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